Praise Unlimited is the non-profit, tax-exempt corporation which serves as the umbrella for the ministry of
Wayne and Ruth West.

Wayne is an ordained minister, travels extensively as a Bible teacher and evangelist. He speaks in churches of all denominations and in spiritual life camps and retreats, including CFO (Camps Farthest Out). Being bi-lingual, his work often takes him to Spanish America where he trains pastors and Christian workers. He has also taught short-term in Bible schools in Cuba, India, the Philippines, and Guatemala as well as in the United States. He is a graduate of Wake Forest University and studied further at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.
Ruth, who holds a master’s degree in music education from East Carolina University, has long been noted for her singing and proficiency on both organ and piano. Currently, she is increasingly in demand as a speaker at CFO and at women’s retreats and banquets. Her style combines practical insights and ideas with inspiration, encouragement, and wit.
Both Wayne and Ruth are accomplished pianists and vocalists. They prefer leading groups in praise and worship; but on occasion, they do concerts. While they confess their experience of the infilling of the Holy Spirit, their central emphasis on the person of Jesus and the gentle way they share their faith gains them entrance into a wide variety of churches and other gatherings.
Additionally, the Wests host tours for Christians who enjoy traveling in the company of other believers. They have taken groups most frequently to Israel; but their destinations have included the Passion Play in Germany, Greece and the Greek islands, Switzerland, Rome, Alaska, and Hawaii.
Praise Unlimited is supported by honorariums, love offerings, and individual contributions by friends who believe in the Wests’ ministry. The goal of all activity is to proclaim the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ through message and music to everyone everywhere.